Retirement Resources

Over the past several years, I've dedicated countless hours to educating myself on retirement transitions and successful aging. It's been a journey of navigating through a plethora of resources, distinguishing between the mediocre and the truly valuable. In other words, I have done a lot of the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.

My intention here is to share links to some high-quality material that has either enlightened me or sparked inspiration along the way. I hope you find these resources valuable and enjoyable.

“People who retire fade rather fast unless they have something really important to do. It’s feeling that you have purpose, and that you have less and less time to make your mark. Instead of slowing down you have to speed up”

-Jane Goodall (2020)

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Nick Olexyn Nick Olexyn

The Importance of Including Non-financial Elements in Your Retirement Plan

I have the privilege of contributing a quarterly retirement-focused article to Poplar Magazine, an Alberta-based grassroots online publication.

In addition to my December 2024 article, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Tim Lowing, the owner and creator of Lowing Media, where I discussed holistic retirement planning, including the often-overlooked non-financial aspects of retirement.

I hope you find valuable insights on retirement planning through this interview.

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Nick Olexyn Nick Olexyn

Jane Fonda: Life’s Third Act

The advent of the longevity revolution is indisputable, and Jane Fonda delves into strategies for maximizing our potential in retirement years in her compelling TEDxWomen address from 2011. With grace and insight, she sheds light on the benefits of aging and emphasizes the role of mindset, all the while gracefully acknowledging the inevitable challenges that come with it.

Fonda's apt analogy of the staircase resonates profoundly.

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Nick Olexyn Nick Olexyn

The 4 Phases of Retirement

In his TED Talk titled "4 Phases of Retirement," Dr. Riley Moynes guides viewers through his personal retirement odyssey. Dr. Moynes underscores the significance of non-financial elements in retirement planning and delineates four distinct phases that many of us will encounter upon retiring. As Dr. Moynes puts it, "buckle up!" for the journey ahead.

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Terry Olexyn Terry Olexyn

Robert Waldinger: What Makes Good Life?

In this Ted Talk, Waldinger reveals the lessons learned from the longest study of adult life that’s ever been done. This Harvard study tracked the lives of 724 men for 75 years to determine what keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life. The results may not be what you think.

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Terry Olexyn Terry Olexyn

How to Age Well - The Myth of Decline

In this captivating interview, neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin shares groundbreaking research findings on the concept of successful aging.

Prepare to be surprised as Levitin debunks common myths about aging, challenging widely-held beliefs with compelling evidence.

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  • Longevity Re-Explained: It's Taking Longer For People To Feel Old

    Robert Laura, an expert on all facets of retirement and author of several books and articles on the subject, re-explains longevity and the fact tat it is taking people longer to feel old.

    Laura explains. “It’s a more useful and concrete way of saying 60 is the new 40 or that 70 is the new 50 because it opens up the door for those at or near retirement age to continue what they are doing…”

  • These 'Essential 8' habits slowed biological aging significantly, study shows

    Linda Carroll's captivating article delves into how adopting specific lifestyle habits has the potential to lower our biological age.

    The exciting revelation is that much of the information presented is familiar. While further research is necessary, the study offers promising results, indicating that lifestyle factors may wield even greater influence than genetic inheritance.

  • Poplar Magazine

    In recent years, I've had the privilege of writing articles for Poplar Magazine, focusing on the transition into retirement and the concept of active aging. This has allowed me to share personal experiences from my own retirement journey with engaged readers.

    Check out my latest article on pages 22 and 23 of the winter edition, along with previous articles, by selecting "More Information."

    You’ll also discover other engaging articles that might inspire you to explore a wide range of activities.

  • Do you need a retirement coach?

    Retirement coaching is a relatively new concept, but it is rapidly gaining momentum as people recognize its importance alongside financial planning in creating a purposeful and fulfilling life in retirement. John Egan does an excellent job of capturing the essence of retirement coaching in this Forbes article.

  • The 3 Legged Stool of Retirement

    Fritz Gilbert’s metaphor, "The 3-Legged Stool," offers a powerful visual for achieving balance in retirement. The article is short, concise, and impactful, making it resonate with retirees or those nearing retirement. It serves as an excellent guide for planning, providing valuable insights for a well-rounded retirement strategy.

Book Recommendations

  • Younger Next Year

    A must read for anyone over 50. who is interested in delaying most problems that come with aging and eliminate 50% of serious illness or injury.

  • The Retirement Challenge

    The Retirement Coaches Association has assembled leading experts in the realm of retirement to assist you in unlocking a compelling and purpose-filled next chapter.


  • Successful Aging

    "Successful Aging" is a compelling book that presents scientific evidence affirming that lifestyle choices wield greater influence in determining health and vitality than hereditary factors.

  • Right Place Right Time

    The place you choose to live can significantly impact various aspects of your life crucial for a successful, healthy, and fulfilling retirement. Ryan Frederick eloquently illustrates the importance of selecting the right location for your retirement years.

Retirement Readiness or Wellness Assessment with One on One (or Couples) Coaching

Retirement Transition and Lifestyle Planning
5 Module Group Program

One on One (or Couples) Retirement Transition and Lifestyle Planning

Keynote Speaking Engagements
Planning for the Non-Financial Aspects of Retirement

Non-Financial Retirement and Retirement Lifestyle Planning Workshops


My Background

Terry Olexyn (Founder)-CPA, MFin

Certified Professional Retirement Coach and Certified Executive/Life Coach

With my experience as former VP Finance for the Canadian division of a multinational energy firm, I understand the challenges of transitioning into retirement. Having personally navigated this life change, I combine leadership, a commitment to active living, fitness, and academic research on retirement and aging to support others in this transformative phase.

As a Certified Professional Retirement Coach and Certified Executive/Life Coach, my goal is to help clients navigate their career-to-retirement transition with clarity and confidence. Through personalized coaching and strategies, I empower clients to embrace retirement with purpose, resilience, and fulfillment, guiding them toward new growth opportunities in this exciting new chapter of their lives.